Tuesday, 20 October 2015

How to install windows 10 from USB flash drive

Windows 10 is the brand new version of windows after windows 8.1 Windows 10 is now officially released and available to download & install on computers. Windows 10 is pretty much upgraded version of windows 8.1 . Windows 10 is mix-up of windows 7 + windows 8.1 because there are so much similar fractures in it. Like START menu is mix combination of windows 7 and windows 8.1 both styles. Windows 10 can be easily install by usb flash drive through cmd ( command prompt ) without use of any software. The method of installing windows 10 on computer + laptop is very simple just follow below steps.

Requirement to install windows 10 from USB flash drive.

  1. Minimum 4 GB pen drive.
  2. Windows 10 ISO FILE.
  3. A little knowledge in regard of How to use command prompt in windows pc.

How to install windows 10 from usb flash drive in computer.

1. Make your pen flash drive bootable using My pen-drive bootable method .

2. After that right click on your Windows 10 ISO file and extract it with Winrar or any other software.

3. After extracting windows 10 iso file it will create a folder with all files so goto the folder and copy all files in it.

4. Paste copied files into Pendrive.

Note : It will show a error message to copy autorun file in pendrive so please turn off the antivirus for a moment to solve this error.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

How to completely empty Truncate MySQL table in phpmyadmin

How to delete all records from MySQL table in phpmyadmin.

Truncate MySQL command is applied to erase all the elements of tables like all the records. This command is used with table name with specific database name. This command delete all the table records and make the table into by-default stage just like as after created time. After emptying the MySQL database table it will remove rows + columns all records.

On phpmyadmin's MySQL server you can truncate table by selecting Empty option on it. The step by step guide to delete records from MySQL database table.

Erasing all table records with one click using phpmyadmin in xampp.

1. First start apace & MySQL server from phpmyadmin control panel.

2. Visit localhost/phpmyadmin on your web browser.

3. Now select your Database >> Select Table.

4. Click on Empty button which is shows at the front of table name.

5. Now your will show a alert message " You are about to TRUNCATE a complete table ! Do you really want to execute  TRUNCATE tableName."

Friday, 16 October 2015

How to set category,Labels Page post showing limit on Blogger to show specific number of posts

Labels are same keyword used for define category keywords, on bloggers platform categories are called as labels so there are no difference between both of them. Blogger is by-default set for showing all label post under label links there are no pre-define method to change these settings but you can change labels ( category ) page post showing limit by editing blogger template code. This is the easiest method to make your labels post page load more fast then usual.

Benefit after changing blogger labels post page limit.

  • Labels page become easy to load because there is a post limitation .
  • Easy to readable by blog user.
  • No more large up to down mouse scrolling.

How to set post showing limitation on Blogger category ( labels ) page to show specific number of posts.

1. Log-in your blogger blog admin panel.

2. GoTo Template >> Edit HTML .

Note : Make backup your HTML template before editing it .

3. Find expr:href='data:label.url'

4. Replace with expr:href='data:label.url + "?max-results=7"'

Note: Replace all the found code, there are repetition of this code is multiple times. Here is 
?max-results=7 is the number of post shows on labels page. You can set any number here according to your requirement. If you want to show more then 7 posts here then replace 7 with any number.

How to set only Numeric password restriction From user Into android app

Numeric password restriction means set automatic restriction so application user cannot enter alphabets, special characters as password. There are a automatic limitation applied on application's EditText box so user are unable to set alphabetic characters, special characters as passwords. It will allow the application to only open numeric keypad .

Setting up only numeric password enter restriction on android application.

Code for activity_main.xml file .

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    tools:context="com.tutorials2make.getnumericpasswordandroidapp.MainActivity" >

        android:inputType="numberPassword" >

        <requestFocus />

        android:text="Get Only Numeric Password" />


Code for MainActivity.java programming file .

package com.tutorials2make.getnumericpasswordandroidapp;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
Editable HoldNumericPassword;
Button GetNumericPassword;
EditText GetNumericPasswordinAndroid;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        GetNumericPassword = (Button)findViewById(R.id.GetOnlyNumericPassword);
        GetNumericPasswordinAndroid = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.PasswordRestriction);
        GetNumericPassword.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
HoldNumericPassword = GetNumericPasswordinAndroid.getText();
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, HoldNumericPassword, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

How to get Alphabetic, Numeric, Special Symbol password from user in Android Application

On android applications EditText box is applied to demand text from user, text can be any type of

Alphabetic ( A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z )
Numeric ( 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 )
Special symbols ( ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + { } " : ? > < | ) .

 EditText box also used to get password from user into android application. Because password is very protective thing and when you enter your password in some one's front you don't want to recognize them your password so android EditText gives us an attribute property to take password from user into android application with showing * ( Star ) symbol every time key enters a password.

How to get Alphabet + Numeric + Special symbol as password in android app using EditText.

Code for MainActivity.java file .

package com.tutorials2make.edittextgetpassword;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

Editable getPassword;
Button GetTextPassword;
EditText EntertextPassword;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        GetTextPassword = (Button)findViewById(R.id.get_password_in_android);
        EntertextPassword = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.EnterPasswordBoxInAndroid);
        GetTextPassword.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
getPassword = EntertextPassword.getText();
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, getPassword,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


Code for activity_main.xml file .

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    tools:context="com.tutorials2make.edittextgetpassword.MainActivity" >

        android:inputType="textPassword" >

        <requestFocus />

        android:text="Click Here to obtain Password form application user" />


Thursday, 15 October 2015

How to implement extra html code including css in WordPress blog post

WordPress is applied by millions of websites to create simple cool looking structure blogs & websites, But WordPress means no limitations you can do whatever you want related to web development scope. Adding extra HTML ( Hyper text markup language ) tags including css ( Caching style sheet) is one of them. There are a large number of html tags already defined by it on WordPress post publish panel but some of HTML tags are missing so you can add manually them directly into your WordPress blog post.

How to add Extra HTML coding including css in WordPress blog post.

1. Log-in into your WordPress blog admin panel via YourDomainName/wp-admin .

2. Click on Post > Add new (  Because you are adding html coding on individual WordPress post ).

3. Click on Text tab.

Now you can write custom html tags including css here only used by single post.

How to choose correct domain name for your blog

What is domain name definition.

The domain name definition is " An identification string that defines scope of administrative privileges to control a unique name identifier connecting with a disk space ( Web hosting ) are called as domain name. " Domain names are unique recognizer to recognize a particular point out organizations. All the domain names are constituted by DNS ( Domain name system ).

Things you need to focus before choosing a suitable domain name for your business.

Domain name selection depends on your business whether personal or professional. There are lots of domain picking options available, when you trying to purchase a new domain name  There are multiple type of domain extension available on internet. for example .com , .net , .in , org ..etc. You can pic any domain from given list but the name of domain is like match to your business and organization.

  1. Always select domain name related to your website or blog topic.( For example if your blog is related to android then use android keyword on your domain name. )
  2. Choose shorter string name.
  3. Don't use - ( Dash ), ,( Comma ), _( Underscore ), Numeric keywords ( 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 )on your domain name.
  4. Always pick up country preferred domain name like .in , .co, .pk same as your country.
  5. Don't use stop words.

Select domain name respective to your information.
Domain name always represents your blog overall environmental area. Its like all your blog knowledge represents  within a single word so always take the equal domain name as your blog knowledge topic matter.

Always choose shorter name.
Select shorter domain name string so its easy to recognize by any one. Short domain names are also effortless to read, understand and learn. Because its ultra necessary to learn your domain name so users can easily come back on your blog without remembering your domain.

Why..? country preferred domain selection is better then .com , .net , .org , tech domain names extensions.

Country preferred domain names extensions are much better then .com , .net , .org domain names because these extensions are mostly used for product or organizations websites to search all over in the world. But country preferred domain names provide us the ability to comes first search result in your country.

American domain Extension selection list

List of all available domain name picking.

  • .US
  • .CA
  • .MX
  • .COM.MX
  • .AG
  • .COM.AG
  • .NET.AG
  • .ORG.AG
  • .BZ
  • COM.BZ
  • .NET.BZ
  • .GS
  • .MS
  • .COM.BR
  • .NET.BR
  • .CO
  • .COM.CO
  • .NET.CO
  • NOM.CO
  • .LA
  • .PE
  • .ORG.PE
  • NET.PE
  • NOM.PE
  • COM.PE

Europe Extension domain name selection list

List of all domain names for European country selection. 

  • .EU
  • .DE
  • .ES
  • .COM.ES
  • .NOM.ES
  • .ORG.ES
  • .IT
  • .FR
  • .NL
  • .AM
  • .AT
  • .BE
  • .UA
  • .CO.UK
  • .ME.UK
  • .ORG.UK
  • .SE
  • .CZ
  • .DK
  • .RU
  • .PL
  • .CH


All Domain name asia-pacific Extension selection list

Domain names performs very important role on SEO. There are hundreds of domain name selection list are available to select.

Asia pacific domain name selection list.

  • .ASIA
  • .WS
  • .CC
  • .FM
  • .IN
  • .CO.IN
  • .FIRM.IN
  • .GEN.IN
  • .IND.IN
  • .NET.IN
  • .ORG.IN
  • .JP
  • .COM.AU
  • .NET.AU
  • .ORG.AU
  • CO.NZ
  • NET.NZ
  • ORG.NZ
  • .TV
  • .TK
  • .TW
  • .COM.TW
  • .ORG.TW
  • .IDV.TW
  • .PH
  • .COM.PH
  • .NET.PH
  • .ORG.PH
  • .CO.ZA

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

How to directly insert values on MySQL database through phpmyadmin

There are two various type of methods present on web development area to store values on MySQL database. First one is to insert from html text forms and other is directly throw information through phpmyadmin control panel area. Phpmyadmin gives us the facility to add values directly into MySQL db tables ( Rows, Columns ).

Where can i need this type of information add functionality.

The basic intention to add outright data into MySQL db is where you have to define login -functionality on your php website. With the help of pre-define data in database you can set login username and password straight. So after login from login form it will automatically check username and password key.

Add directly value on MySQL db tables using phpmyadmin.

1. Start Apache & MySQL server from xampp control panel.

2. Open localhost/phpmyadmin in your web browser.

3. Select your MySQL database -> Select Table by clicking on table name ( In which you want to insert data. ).

4. Click on Insert tab.

5. After that your table structure will be open, Just enter the values in table using given forms then click on Go button.

Conformation message after successfully information submission is " 1 Row inserted. "

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

How to add custom html tags on individual Blogger post

Custom HTML ( Hyper text markup language ) tags are very necessary to create user attention seeking posts. There are lot's of HTML tags that are not pre - defined in blogger's interface but don't worry blogger lovers, blogger is one of the largest blogging platform so blogger grant us the facility to add attach html - css( Caching style sheet ) code directly into blogger post by custom html connect function. With this function you can along any type of html, JavaScript, J Query code straight in single per post or page. For example you can create tables, define div's , add h1 heading tags and much more.

How to add custom html code on single Blogger page post.

1. Log-in into Blogger.com .

2. Select your blog post > Add new post ( In which you require to add custom html codes ).

3. Now your blogger article writing page will be open.

4. Click on HTML .

After that your custom html add interface will be open. Now add html tables tags, div and css codes.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

How to get EditText box entered value on android application

EditText box entered value is accessible by getText() function. This function is used with combination of EditText box id assign variable. After get EditText box value i am showing this selected value on Toast message through button click event.

Code for MainActivity.java file .

package com.example.getenterededittextboxvalue;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    EditText GetvalueBox;
    Button AccessButton;
    Editable HoldValue;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        GetvalueBox = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.editText1);
        AccessButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.access_value);
        AccessButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
HoldValue = GetvalueBox.getText();
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, HoldValue, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


Code for activity_main.xml file .

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    tools:context="com.example.getenterededittextboxvalue.MainActivity" >

        android:inputType="textPersonName" >


        android:text="Access EditText Box value" />


Android EditText person name example tutorial

What is EditText .

EditText view is used to obtain text from user into android application. Its equal as text boxes present in web applications like forms. With the use of Multiple EditText boxes into single application you can make a entry submission form. This is the single line edit text box commonly applied to enter single line person name.

activity_main.xml file .

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    tools:context="com.Tutorials2Make.edittext.MainActivity" >

        android:inputType="textPersonName" >

        <requestFocus />


MainActivity.java programming file

package com.Tutorials2Make.edittext;

import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;

@SuppressLint("NewApi") public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

How to publish your first blog post on WordPress website

WordPress is very powerful php contain management system ( CMS ) with blog creating and publishing platform. It is a type of web application software skilled to build beautiful websites, blogs. It's greatly to learn about It because there are hundreds of WordPress community websites online including thousands of members. WordPress is completely pricesless. It supports plugin and widget environment so there is no need to learn php, html, css, java script and J Query back hand website coding skills to create website. WordPress installing process on your local computer server or online web hosting server is common. But after installing it, publishing your first post is look like a typical task to do but it is not. It's very effortless action to release your first online post.

How to publish my first blog post on WordPress website.

1. Log-in into your WordPress blog admin panel by putting " /wp-admin " after your domain name.

2. Click on Posts > Add New .

3. Now your post publish panel will be open. ( You can create post from here, save post as draft, create categories, create tags, set post visibility, set publish time immediately or later. )

Brief review about WordPress post creating options.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

How to create your free blog using Blogger.com

Blogger.com is a sub product provided by Google.com . Blogger.com is one of the excellent way to create free blog to start blogging, It is completely free there are no hidden fee or charges. Blogger.com is free blog publishing platform for every one who is looking for long term online blogging purpose without paying domain charges, hosting charges and seo optimization charges. Blogger is a perfect stage to make blog and share your thoughts, ideas,teaching guides, tutorials online with all over the universe without paying. Blogger is exactly seo friendly,  Google friendly because it's a part by Google. This post tells you the complete manner with step by step guide to create free blog on Blogger.com .

When you create free blog using Blogger.com then it's give you the sub-domain of .blogspot.com . Means your created domain look like this "myfreeblog.blogspot.com" . You can also connect your own purchased primary domain directly to your blog so your sub-domain blog will redirect to your primary domain.

Why blogger is better then others.

  • It's free.
  • Complete drag n drop one touch customization .
  • Gives comfort to connect primary domain.
  • 100% trusted because its a part of Google.com.

Step by step tutorial to create free blog on Blogger.com .

1. Log-in to Blogger.com by your Google gmail account.

2. After logging click on New Blog .

3. Enter your Blog home page title , Blog address and select blogger layout template ( You can also change your blog layout template after create your blog and blog home page title but you do not change Blog address its fixed ) . Now click on Create Blog button.

4. Now if your blog address ( URL ) is available then you will see a conformation message. 

5. Now your blog is created, to open your blog just goto web browser new tab & type the address. You can also view your newly created blog from View Blog .

After that to open your blog admin post customization panel, Click on Your blog title name.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Fastest way to install Windows on computer using Pendrive Bootable method

Pendrive is small size flash storage device used to store data files on it. Pendrive is the most easy device to transfer data from one computer ( PC, LAPTOP ) to another computer. Pendrive is common device to store any different kind of data like media files, computer files, drivers, software..etc. It is also called as " Flash drive, Flash storage device, Smallest storage device ".It's available different - different memory capacity sizes like 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB.

How to install windows on Laptop, computer with the use of pen-flash drive.

Pendrive is the fastest way to install windows on computer. You can install Windows xp, windows vista, windows 7, windows 8.1, windows 10 also Linux from pendrive. First we need to make our pen drive bootable using command prompt also known as DOS ( DISK OPERATING SYSTEM ). Command prompt converts normal pendrive as bootable pen drive so you can boot your computer using pendrive, There are no software required for this, it is the effortless way to make your pen drive bootable.

How to make my pendrive bootable using command prompt.

1. Plug in your USB ( Universal serial bus ) flash drive on computer.

2. Open command prompt ( You can open command prompt by pressing " Windows + R " key from keyboard  -> Type " CMD " then press enter key ). Also open cmd through Windows > Start > All programs > CMD .

3. Type "diskpart" .

4. After that "list disk" .

5. Type " Select disk 1 ".

6. Type " clean ".

7. Type " create partition primary ".

8. Type " active ".

9. Type " format fs=ntfs quick ".

10. Type " assign " .

Now you will see a conformation message that Disk part successfully assigned the drive letter or mount point. See the below image for more detail.

Now copy all the window installation DVD files on pen drive and your pen drive is ready to boot up. Subsequently select your pen drive from boot menu.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

SEO 2015 - 2016 Starter Guide to improve Blog SEO

What is SEO.

This is the online seo guide for year 2015 - 2016. Full form of SEO is " Search Engine Optimization".SEO means to make your website more accessible , Friendly and optimize to all the existing online web search engines like Google.com . SEO is the most vital factor for any website because without right seo, your website will not take place in search engines organic search result.

What is the Definition of organic search result.

Organic search result means " Every time when user make a particular online query to search their question on search engines and afterward search engine will show the filter result from millions of website ". This is the definition of organic search result, organic search result also depends on seo. Every website who will getting users from organic search result is one of the best websites to read online information so long as Google supports structured data on websites and Google website crawler bot reads information on webpages like humans do, so its always trying to discover the easiest, friendly content to its viewer.

I want to start my new blog & don't know how to prepare my first blog for superior seo ?

Every one wants to make money online through blogging career and there are hundreds of bloggers around the world throwing their content online every single minute. However lot's of them is new in this field and don't know about seo, So after publishing long time content on their blog the blog didn't become famous because they dose not be familiar of seo. So this guide will help you to improve step by step build seo techniques. Seo depends over many factors and there is very long task index you have to follow for make your blog more seo friendly.

  • Choosing the right Domain name for your blog.
  • Always use the same blog home page title as your blog domain name.
  • Create your website sitemap.
  • Submit website sitemap to all the search engines Google, Yahoo, Bing.
  • Use permalinks url structure.
  • Create unique blog post page title.
  • Create unique and simple to understand blog page description.
  • Always use ALT code for images.
  • Don't copy paste content from other blog.
  • Use of H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 headings tag .
  • Give all the information in structured way.
  • Build your blog mobile friendly using mobile friendly design layout.
  • Use of Strong /Bold tags at proper places to highlight the special content.
  • Choose high speed hosting providers.
  • Blog interlinking.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

How to delete MySQL database & tables in phpmyadmin Xampp

Deleting a complete MySQL database including Tables in Xampp server.

Phpmyadmin supports extreme powerful database management system MySQL. You can create hundreds of database, tables on phpmyadmin MySQL server as your development project purpose, there are no limitation. But after developing one by one web applications occasionally your phpmyadmin MySQL database panel become full and list of databases is too long so each time you have to scroll down and find your database.

Why Drop ( Delete ) MySQL database is important.

A web developer works too hard to design and develop web applications. Some rare times new developer creates lots of databases to test their developed project using phpmyadmin. But if you increase the database amount regularly and dose not use them so phpmyadmin MySQL server slowly slowly takes more time then usual starting time because every startup time it will re-configured all the MySQL database, tables. So do not create multiple database, you can create multiple table in a database as per your project requirement.

How to remove a complete MySQL database from xampp's phpmyadmin.

The process of removing a database is very easy there are no need to give a written command to phpmyadmin control panel. You can delete a complete database including its tables so no one will ever find out your database details.

1. Start XAMPP control panel.

2. Start Apache & MySQL server.

3. Open MySQL server using phpmyadmin by opening localhost/phpmyadmin in your web browser.

4. Select your database ( Witch you want to delete ) by clicking on its name.

5. Click on Operations.

6. Click on Drop the database ( DROP ).

7. Now it will show you a alert dialog message box " You are about to destroy a complete database !  Do you really want to execute DatabaseName ?" Click on OK button to delete database.

How to delete single MySQL tables in PHPMYADMIN in xampp.

1. Follow the above 1 to 5th number process same.

2. After selecting your database ( In which you want to delete tables ) all tables list will be displayed on your phpmyadmin server panel.

3. Click on Drop icon.

4. Now it will show you a alert message " You are about to DESTROY a complete table! Do you really want to execute DROP TableName ?" Click on OK button to delete single table.

How to Select & Delete Multiple MySQL tables in xampp.

You can also delete multiple MySQL tables by selecting them together with the use of check box selection method.

1. Follow the above 1st and 2nd step.

2. Checked the check box ( Which is present at the front of table name. You can select multiple tables from here by selecting them ).

3. Subsequently click on drop down menu shown as With Selected .

4. Select DROP from drop down menu.

5. Follow the next window and delete your selected table.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

How do i start my online blogging career | Blogger's Guide

Definition of Blogging.

Representing brief knowledge on any topic that is easily understandable by humans are called as blogging. This is the syntactic definition of blogging. Blogging is the most convenient pass to distribute information all over the earth to help the needed peoples. After evolution of internet, there are internet all over the world and each and every country is connected together. At the starting time internet is mostly used text chat, audio chat, video chat purpose but now every single person on earth trying to find their's problem solution on internet. Their issue can be anything like medical help, general knowledge questions, information technology topics, computer science, engineering, online development topics, programming languages, online study material, government examination preparation guides, health care guides, Yoga, Kitchen recipes, about plants, online shopping guides, flowers..etc. Here comes the role of blogging because there are eternally lot's of problems occurs to normal peoples so they can find a better way to share their experiences online via blogging and solve problems.

Question No 1. How can i make online money through blogging without investing a single penny.

Money is the major part of blogging because sharing your thoughts and knowledge to others without demanding money this seems no sound great. Because money is the first necessary need to survive without money there are no online career. But wow.. we can make online money by blogging without investing a single penny from wallet. This seems to you like i am joking but trust me friends i am not, you can easily make money by blogging online. You can make money from your blog by putting ads on it. There are so different type of Adsense companies available online but Why choose others if Google is Here. Yes Guys Google offers us great online money making comfort with its best service Google Adsense . Google Adsense is the most convenient online way to make money from your blog without spending penny. 

There are a few things that you have required to start your online money making career through blogging.

  1. A Blog.
  2. A little experience to write natural content. 
  3. Social networking accounts to share your blog online with your family & friends.
  4. Command on single or multiple topics.( The subject can be anything. )
  5. Cool temper ( Because you can not instantly make  money from blog, just be patient it takes 2 to 6 months become famous and also depend on your content.)
  6. Write useful statements including rich n healthy language.
  7. Don't use bad words.
  8. Do not copy paste attitude.( Please do not copy or paste content form any other website or you will be banned by search engines. )

Question no. 2. Where can i make free Blog for blogging purpose.

There are lots of websites providing free blogs platform to create your own sub-domain blogs free without any hidden fee & cost. But i recommended you Blogger.com . Blogger.com is a free blog publishing platform service to every one who has its own Google gmail account. The blogs hosted on Blogger.com has sub-domain of .blogspot.com but you can also connect your own custom already bought domain to your blog without paying any extra amount. Google gamil account user can create multiple blogs on their account. So blogger.com is the best solution for start your online blogging career without paying a penny.

Question no 3.  Necessary requirement To create Blog on Blogger.com