Wednesday, 30 September 2015

How to install WordPress locally on Windows platform

About WordPress.

As we all know WordPress is one of the most famous online web development open source contain management system. WordPress is written on PHP language, so its fully open source, build in libraries included web solution. It is a part of growing open source society developed by hundreds of peoples. WordPress was started in year 2003 with single bit of code group. Since then it become the most popular & free online self hosted blogging platform available on internet. WordPress is used to create any type of websites like blogging blogs, e-commerce website, social networking websites by implementing there plugins and libraries. It is completely open source so there are hundreds of people around the globe working on it to make it more better and flexible.

Things that you can do with WordPress.

When WordPress start in 2003 it is only used to create blogging websites to share there information knowledge tutorials on internet but now after evolving in all those years its convert into full contain management system including thousands of free themes, plugins, drag n drop environment so there is no limitation on WordPress. You can develop and design whatever on WP, there are no limitation on WordPress, WordPress is limited where your imagination ends.

How to install WordPress on windows local system.

  1. Before start installing WordPress on your local system, first you need to setup and install Xampp Apache server. Because Xampp server provides local sever side environment to run server side scripting langues like php on local computer. So read my previous article about Start online web development using xampp sever.
  2. Download WordPress offline + online setup from Here.
  3. After done downloading extract the download zip folder using Winrar or any other zip extractor software and put all files in a single folder and set folder name anything or WordPress.
  4. Copy the WordPress folder to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress . Screenshot of folders and files on WordPress folder.
  5. Start Apache server, MySQL from xampp control panel.
  6. After all that part you need to configure and create MySQL database using phpmyadmin. Because WordPress is dynamic php based cms and dose not work without database. So open localhost/phpmyadmin/ on your web browser and create a database from New menu at the top left side of screen.
  7. Open again web browser and type localhost/wordpress . here wordpress represents your folder name that you have copied on htdocs folder.
  8. Select your blog's default home language. WordPress supports more then 66 different langues so choose your home language.
  9. After that lets go on next window enter the Database name ( Created on phpmyadmin ), Database user name ( default phpmyadmin database username is root ), Password ( no need to enter password so leave empty it ),  Database Hose ( set database host as localhost ), Table prefix ( don't change ).
  10. On the next window if your all given information is correct then Run the install.
  11. Enter website name, website admin username ( you will login with this username into your website admin panel ), password ( login password ), your email address ( always enter the correct email because if you forget your website password then password reset email will be sent to this email), Privacy ( There is no need to enable privacy option on local system but if you are installing WordPress on hosting server then enable it or website will not be index on search engines like Google ).
After all this procedure it will successfully installed on your local system. you can login into your WordPress admin panel dashboard via localhost/wordpress/wp-login.php file.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

How to start dynamic web development using PHP on Windows platform

What is dynamic web content.

Dynamic web content is that type of page content such as text, categories, web page url( Universe resource locator ) that regenerates each and every time when users load the website page. Website with dynamic content resources that dose not support static elements like static text, categories, tags. There are always a MySQL database behind every dynamic website. MySQL database is used to store all text data, URL's in it. Storing data on MySQL database server are also called as information about website related content. Every dynamic website dose not work without a back hand database and server side scripting language that can retrieve information from MySQL database server. At the present time the most popular scripting language with flexibility is PHP .

About PHP ( Hyper Text pre-processor ).

Full form of PHP is Hyper text preprocessor server side scripting language. PHP is most popular online dynamic web development scripting language because its provide the facility to create dynamic web elements on website. Php supports MySQL and MySQLi also and with the combination of both you can serve dynamic web contents on internet. Php is alos used to store data into MySQL database, retrieve data from MySQL database, Modify database elements like deletion of database elements, update, edit, add new. Php was developed in 1995 and from that day it will powering up millions of website on internet.

How to start web development in PHP on windows platform.

This is a php local server installation manual with step by step configuration. Installing php local server development environment on windows computer allows you to create, debug, run php files on your local system without affecting your main sever side web application. In this guide you will learn about How to install & configure php development environment on windows xp, windows vista, windows 7, windows 8.1, windows 10.

Configure php web development environment using Xampp server.
Before start making web pages using php programming language we need to install some of its tools to convert our local system directly to server system because php is server side scripting language and can only run on server side so we need to make our system as local server. Xampp is one of the most popular open source php local server creation environment software. Xampp is completely free contains Apache, MySQL, Perl and PHP. You can download and install xampp from here.

Steps to install Xampp Apache local server on Windows pc.
  1. Download xampp server.
  2. Run downloaded software as Run as administrator privileges.
  3. After that you will able to see Bitnami xampp setup wizard window.
  4. On the next setup window you have to select the components that you want to install. I preferred you to install all components.
  5. Select the xampp installation direction path.
  6. After done installing xampp sever on your computer. Start xampp control panel and Start Apache & MySQL.
  7. Create a .php extension file then put that file on directory path as C:\xampp\htdocs\YourPHPProjectName\test.php .
  8. Open any already installed web browser to test run php file then again type localhost/YourPHPprojectName/test.php to run your test.php file.
Here you go now your computer is ready to develop php websites, for any question or query please comment below.

Solution ERROR:x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration

Solution for cannot launch ADV in emulator.

ADV ( Android virtual device ) emulator is same as the other android versions installed on mobile phones, tablets. But when we trying to create ADV in android studio or eclipse then a normally a error occurs that,

Cannot launch ADV in emulator. 
emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration.
Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.
CUP acceleration status: HAX kernal module is not installed.

Solution for this error is very easy because android sdk tools itself give the proper Intel HAXM software but we have to install this software manually from sdk installation directory.

How to solve ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration on windows computer.

  1. Run your SDKmanager.exe.
  2. Download Intel x86 emulator accelerator( HAXM installer ).
  3. After downloading goto your SDK Manager folder -> extras -> intel -> Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager -> intelhaxm-android.exe & install intel haxm software. Now restart your computer and your HAXM problem is completely solved. If this dose n't work for you right your can find HAXM software here.

Monday, 28 September 2015

How to import existing Eclipse android project into Android Studio

About Eclipse IDE

Eclipse is an integrated development environment ( IDE ) just like Android studio but it is so much older that android studio. Eclipse was released on November 7, 2001. Eclipse is basically used for development purpose for approximately all programming languages after add there particular language plugins. The main purpose of eclipse is to develop java applications but after evolving in all those years you can develop more than 10 language application software in it. The languages are as follows:

  • C
  • C++
  • PERL
  • PHP
  • JAVA
  • RUBY
  • LUA
  • NATURAL....etc.

Before import existing eclipse android project into android studio you need to make sure, these below requirements are available .

  1. Working eclipse complete android project.
  2. Working android studio connected with SDK Manager.

Steps to import eclipse android development project into Android studio.

  1. Run android studio on computer.
  2. Select import project Eclipse ADT.
  3. Select Eclipse project directory folder path.
  4. Now it will ask you to create a full copy of your eclipse project into android studio project save folder.
  5. Check all three given options. Replace jars with dependencies, Replace library source with dependencies, Create Gradle-style.
After a moment it will successfully done the importing process and open your android project into android studio IDE. Now you can continue your project in studio.There is also a another method for importing project via File Menu -> New -> Import project.

How to start new android application project using Android Studio 1.3.2

About android studio.

Android studio is an free IDE(Integrated development environment ) software provided by The purpose of android studio is for developing android applications project. Android studio is freely available under Apache 2.0 license. It is based upon Intellij IDEA platform. You can download android studio via Google developers official page.

System requirements.

Android studio is available for mainly 3 operating systems, Windows, Mac 0S X, Linux. So here is all the computer system hardware requirement. 


  • Microsoft windows 7, Windows 8, Windows xp 2003 edition, Windows vista (32 bit & 64 bit).
  • Minimum 2 GB ram but recommended is 4 GB.
  • 500 MB hard disk empty space.
  • Screen resolution is 1280 * 800 minimum.
  • JDK( Java development kit ) 7.

Mac OS X

  • Mac OS X 10.8.5 or higher version.
  • Minimum 2 GB ram but recommended is 4 GB.
  • 500 MB hard disk empty space.
  • Screen resolution is 1280 * 800 minimum.
  • JDK( Java development kit ) 7.
  • JRE( Java run time environment ).


  • GNU C library 2.15 or higher version.
  • Minimum 2 GB ram but recommended is 4 GB.
  • 500 MB hard disk empty space.
  • Screen resolution is 1280 * 800 minimum.
  • Oracle JDK 7.

How to start a new android app project using Android studio on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

  1. Run Android studio with Administrator privileges on windows 7 to higher versions.
  2. Select Start a new android studio project.
  3. After that write down the application name, domain package name, project save location path.
  4. Select platforms for your application to run. You can choose multiple platforms for your app like Phone & tablets, wearable devices, Android TV, android auto ( cars ).
  5. On the next selection page you have to select activity for your application there are basically 11 types of activities available. I preferred you to choose blank activity for your first development project.
  6. Enter Activity name, layout file name, title, Menu resource name.
After configure and customize all settings your first android application project will be start.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

How to set environment variables on Windows PC for Android Development

Before start developing android applications there is a major factor that we have to set environment variables on windows computer, without environment variable we cannot develop android applications.

What is environment variable definition.

Environment variable means %windir% , The path of windows installed folders & files. This variable contains all the folders including sub files path of windows files, That means it knows where your windows installation directory is located.

Why setting up environment variable is so much important on android app development purpose.

Set up variables setting on computer before starting android app development is so much important because, there are multiple sub files & folder include on Android SDK Tools every folder has its unique files to run, compile, design, android applications. SDK package also contains built in libraries, android emulator, android system image according to version of android, add-on's, build tools, helping documents, all installed android platforms, source codes. When we set up environment variable, it tells windows computer where Android SDK folder is located on computer. So each and every time when Eclipse or Android studio is start, it will automatically call & compile android sdk tools, platform tools, JDK( java development kit) bin folder.
JDK installed folder path setup is so much important for android development because android files compiled on java bin path.

How to set environment variables on Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 7, 32 bit & 64 bit versions.

  1. Right click on My Computer -> Properties.
  2. Select Advanced system settings.
  3. Select Advanced -> Environment variables.
  4. Under System variables click on New. Set variable name as JAVA_HOME & Variable value as C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_72 and save it.
  5. After that find Path variable and edit, then paste here Android sdk manager platform tools, tools folder path. Like my sdk installed platform tools folder path is F:\Software\Android Development\SDK Manager\platform-tools and tools folder path is F:\Software\Android Development\SDK Manager\tools . Save all these settings and after that restart your computer.

How to install SHAREit on windows computer

SHAREit is one of the most popular android application used to send files, send installed apps, contacts, photos, etc directly to another mobile phone. SHAREit is based upon WiFi technology because WiFi networks supports more than 100 mbps(mega bite per second) connection, It's very useful to send files between two mobile phones. You can get SHAREit from Play Store

Sending files between android mobile phone to windows laptop.

The first condition to send files between android and windows laptop or computer is that WiFi router hardware must installed on computer, without WiFi hardware computer cannot receive data signals from phone. After that Download & install SHAREit windows desktop latest version. Run setup file and enjoy file sharing between windows computer to android mobile phones.

How to send files via SHAREit.

Procedure for sending files between computer to mobile phone via SHAREit is same as you do on mobile phones there is no change between the sending & receiving files. On certain conditions SHAREit will not works properly if your Laptop's WiFi connection is Off , so make sure every time before start sending files you have to start WiFi.

How to send multiple folders including multiple files via share it to Android mobile phone.

  1. Start SHAREit on your personal laptop.
  2. Tap on Send button and here on the next screen it will ask you to browse files for sending.
  3. Select multiple files including multiple folders. You have to press SHIFT key to select multiple files. 
  4. After that all selected files will be shows on the pending content box.
  5. Click on the Next button and select receiver mobile phone. Enjoy files sharing with SHAREit.
Here is some useful links: