Sunday, 27 September 2015

How to install SHAREit on windows computer

SHAREit is one of the most popular android application used to send files, send installed apps, contacts, photos, etc directly to another mobile phone. SHAREit is based upon WiFi technology because WiFi networks supports more than 100 mbps(mega bite per second) connection, It's very useful to send files between two mobile phones. You can get SHAREit from Play Store

Sending files between android mobile phone to windows laptop.

The first condition to send files between android and windows laptop or computer is that WiFi router hardware must installed on computer, without WiFi hardware computer cannot receive data signals from phone. After that Download & install SHAREit windows desktop latest version. Run setup file and enjoy file sharing between windows computer to android mobile phones.

How to send files via SHAREit.

Procedure for sending files between computer to mobile phone via SHAREit is same as you do on mobile phones there is no change between the sending & receiving files. On certain conditions SHAREit will not works properly if your Laptop's WiFi connection is Off , so make sure every time before start sending files you have to start WiFi.

How to send multiple folders including multiple files via share it to Android mobile phone.

  1. Start SHAREit on your personal laptop.
  2. Tap on Send button and here on the next screen it will ask you to browse files for sending.
  3. Select multiple files including multiple folders. You have to press SHIFT key to select multiple files. 
  4. After that all selected files will be shows on the pending content box.
  5. Click on the Next button and select receiver mobile phone. Enjoy files sharing with SHAREit.
Here is some useful links:


  1. تحميل برنامج شير ات شيرات برنامج مشاركة الملفات الافضل بين جميع تطبيقات وبرامج مشاركة الملفات بين الهواتف المحمولة
